Australia should lead the world in its rejection of the UN Refugee Charter. It was set up in 1951 to help Jews migrate to Israel. It is no longer relevant. Saudi Arabia didn't sign it and therefore it accepts no Muslim refugees. Britain, Europe, Canada, Australia and the USA should each say, "Enough is Enough". In fact, way too many.
We have a right - in fact a duty - to preserve the culture bequeathed us by our parents and especially by the millions of brave military personnel who risked - and in many cases, gave - their lives to protect and preserve it.
We have imported into our countries millions of people who have no understanding of the sacrifices made and no intention of expressing gratitude for the myriad kindnesses we bestow upon them. They demand their Shari'a law which is a brutal, evil, cruel and barbaric form of law and they threaten us with death if we don't grant it to them.
Yes of course there are some moderate Muslims who don't hate the West but when push comes to shove, moderates are irrelevant. They always go with the flow.
Australia should lead the world in dumping the 1951 charter. That doesn't mean we won't accept any more Muslims but it does mean an end to the quotas that are forced upon us. We need to make sure that the people we welcome into our midst reject the passages in the Qur'an that order Muslims to kill us!
To me that makes sense. Not common sense because there is no such thing, but if we want to preserve our way of life and pass it on to our children, grandchildren and beyond, we need to take action. NOW!
Douglas Monroe


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