Dougie's Diary - 4th October


I'm not a big fan of Andrew Bolt, the poor man's Bill O'Reilly. "No fear no favour" is a direct lift from Bill's "The spin stops here". You know when someone says something like that you are going to be treated to little else but fear, favour and spin.

Even so, I watch him every Sunday morning immediately after the ABC's 'Insiders'. It gives me an idea how thoughts are thunk to the left and to the right. Same with radio, I listen to ABC and 2GB. I enjoy hearing Professor Sir Paul Nurse of Britain's 'Royal Society' explaining why man-made climate change is a fact and I enjoy hearing Alan Jones, Ray Hadley and Brian Wilshere - who between them have studied climate for 3.4 seconds - explain why they know more about the subject than a thousand Nasa scientists.

It's all good fun.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull assures us after the Parramatta shooting that just a "very, very small percentage of Muslims are radicalised".  Andrew Bolt points out that that figure is nonsense. It means nothing. Bolt - "The twenty-one people jailed here for terrorist offences are all Muslim, even though we have almost as many Buddhists here in Australia."

My question to Malcolm Turnbull - not as though he'll hear it - is, "How many hundreds of millions of dollars does Australia spend on airport security each year? And who are we trying to protect ourselves from? Is it Buddhists? Christians? Hindus? Jews? Atheists? Or is just possibly Muslims? No matter how tiny weeny the percentage of radicalised Muslims is, we should never lose sight of the fact that it took just four young men to destroy three trains, one bus, and kill fifty-two Londoners.

And now we are seriously agreeing to increase our intake of Muslims and their "very very small percentage of radicalised" gunners and bombers.

Wake up Malcolm. Your first duty is not to the masses fleeing Islam and bringing Islam with them. It is to the Australian people who are already here.


The USA puts its cities at risk by grovelling to Israel as it has done since the early 1950s. $4 billion dollars of US tax-payer money every year to prop up the ZioNazi war effort. The 9/11 WTC attack was in retaliation to Israel's brutal treatment of Palestinians. It was just an opening round - a shot across the bows - a little teaser. The next might be nuclear. Be warned America, I'm on your side but you are behaving rashly.


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