Wuddled Murds
My mother wears hearing-aids. When Pavarotti performed at Lady
Diana's funeral, she remarked, "Why are they letting him sing
after he chased her through the tunnel?"
At the end of a long and probably very boring meal (at a formal
dinner), (British Prime Minister) Macmillan turned to Madame de
Gaulle and asked politely what she was looking forward to in her
Quick as a flash the elderly lady replied: "A penis."
Macmillan had been trained all his life never to appear shocked,
but even he was a bit taken aback. After drawling out a series of
polite platitudes, "Well, I can see your point of view," "Don't
have much time for that sort of thing nowadays" It gradually
dawned on him to his intense relief that what the old girl had
actually said was "happiness."
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Diana's funeral, she remarked, "Why are they letting him sing
after he chased her through the tunnel?"

dinner), (British Prime Minister) Macmillan turned to Madame de
Gaulle and asked politely what she was looking forward to in her
Quick as a flash the elderly lady replied: "A penis."
Macmillan had been trained all his life never to appear shocked,
but even he was a bit taken aback. After drawling out a series of
polite platitudes, "Well, I can see your point of view," "Don't
have much time for that sort of thing nowadays" It gradually
dawned on him to his intense relief that what the old girl had
actually said was "happiness."
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